This is the start in Staten Island at the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. With thousands of feet pounding on the surface, the bridge actually bounces to create the strange sensation of running on rubber asphalt. |
Here is the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge from the runners’ perspective. It’s a crowded start, but the view is outstanding. |
As we head into Queens, we get a nice view of the Manhattan skyline. |
One of the real treats of running the NYC Marathon is crossing the East River via the Queensboro Bridge. With the overhead highway tamping down the noise, the runners get rowdy and raucous, enjoying the echoes of shouts, laughter, and even singing. |
Just after crossing the bridge into Manhattan, the runners make a dramatic 180 degree turn — very unusual for a marathon — and head east on East 59th Street. |
For the long run up 1st Avenue, spectators pack themselves behind the barricades all along this street and offer some of the best crowd support along the course. |
The marathon ends in Central Park, where runners face the gently rolling hills that are pretty agonizing during Miles 25 and 26. The pleasant scenery offers us some compensation (well, sort of). |
Crossing the finish line on a spectacular fall afternoon. |